TRmesh / TRfem Examples

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CAUTION: Most examples on this site don't work with the latest TRmesh/TRfem version (TRmesh >= 0.2.99). Updates are in progress!
For now, please use the example given in discourse
Please leave any question and comments there.

Background: The latest version of TRmesh produces an actual Rhino mesh, in which the tetrahedra are stored as the four indices of an ordinary quad face (that works even though they don't represent planar faces.)
TRfem's "import from TRmesh" will now take such a Rhino mesh, and convert it to verts and a flat array of tets.
Please also make sure to watch the latest how-to video on the main site.
Description Screenshot 3d model Grasshopper Document
Most basic functionality: Check that it gives the correct result on a box with a hot and an opposite cold side. In that case, the thermal loss is (conductivity in W/mK) * (temperature gradient in K/m) * (cross section area in m^2) and TRfem gives the same value if the tet mesh is not wrong. (pure Grasshopper example) trfemex01.ghx
Most basic functionality: Check that the temperature gradient is ten times as high in a material (plastic) with one tenth the conductivity of the other (steel), as it should be. Gives the same result as the 1D method (Glaser's method). trfemex02.3dm trfemex02.ghx
The I-beam example with plastic insulation, from the paper, made with the example tet mesh component. That tet mesh is not a good finite element mesh, so the result is not very accurate. (pure Grasshopper example) trfemex03.ghx
The I-beam example with plastic insulation, from the paper, made with a good finite element mesh from TRmesh. trfemex04.3dm trfemex04.ghx
The Voronoi brick from the food4rhino seminar. trfemex05.3dm CAUTION: about 300 MB trfemex05.ghx
Water vapor condensation at a box-shaped timber element. (pure Grasshopper example) trfemex06.ghx
A cold/hot corner, tetmeshed and solved entirely in Grasshopper with the Grasshopper interface with TRmesh and TRfem (pure Grasshopper example) trfemex07.ghx
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